A Brief Family History

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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And The Two Shall Be Called One...

James Smallwood and Emma Reddick married on January 11,1920.  Emma loving called her husband Jim.
James and Emma began their family in Brooks County, Ga while living back in the woods on the Old Henry Farm.  It is said 20 children were born into this union.  I was able to record the birth of 17 children.  Two children Warren G. and Hazel died during infancy.  Their son Henry Solomon known as H.S. died at the age of 9 of Pneumonia.
The remaining 14 lived to adulthood; John Wesley, James Jr, Eugene, Janie, Doris, Lillian Ruth, Carrie, Emma, Alfred, Floyd, Ernestine, Claudine, Jonathan (Joe), and Frank.
The first 16 children were born at home while living on the Old Henry Farm.  The children went to school and helped farm the land.
In 1945 James and Emma moved to the Dry Lake area of Brooks County, staying there about a year.  James had a dream of owning farm land that would have lots of pecan trees.  On December 30, 1946 that dream came true.  James purchased his 102 acre dream land from R.B. Jenkins for $4,000.
James an entreprenauer in his own heart, farmed and cultivated the land.  The farm had everything you need; chickens, cows, pigs, hogs, and mules to cultivate the land.  The family lived off of the riches of the land.

James & Emma's Children
Click picture to learn more about the children

As time went on James sold most of the land.  The Smallwood Family still maintains 7.5 acres of the original land. 

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