Emma' Family History

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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Emma's Famly History

Emma Reddick was born January 27, 1903 to Jacob Reddick and Janie Sharp Reddick.
The history of her father is one of certainty and one of uncertainty.  What I do know for sure is Jacob was born a slave and was the son of a white man, I can only assume the slave owner.  Jacob is listed through out cenus records as a mulatto male, which is a mix of the black and white race.  I can assume his mother was a slave, who he did not know and his father could have been the slave master.
In 1870 Jacob is living in the home of Nicholas Moses Reddick Jr, a white man in Brooks County, Georgia. At that time Jacob was 16 and listed as a farm laborer with out a last name and unable to read or write.  I located the history of Nicholas Moses Reddick, Sr the father of the man Jacob lived with.  Because of the age of Nicholas Reddick, Jr it is also possible Jacob could be the child of Nicholas Moses Reddick , Sr.  since he owned over 300 slaves.
On December 20,1876 Jacob married Ellen Mitchell and to this union one child was born, James Edward Reddick.  James met and married Mary Kail and 5 children were born to this union: Louis, Ernest, William Alzo, Dorothy and Seretha.
Jacob later met and married Janie Sharp on January 1, 1896 in Brooks County, Ga.  Janie was the daughter of John Sharp and Isabella Longwood Sharp.  John and Isabella had 5 children, Frank, Janie Martha, Wilbert, Tolla and John, Jr.
Jacob and Janie's union produced five (5) children; twins Dora and Joseph (Buddy), Wesley, Frank and Emma.  I've been told by the decendents of William Alzo Reddick, that the children of James Reddick were raised by Janie and Jacob.


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