John Wesley Smallwood

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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John Wesley was born July 27,1920 the first born child of James and Emma.
John Wesley left home after graduating from high school and joined the Army.  After serving in the military he traveled.  He met his future wife Jeanette Davis and they married on June 11, 1944 in Jacksonville, Fl.
John moved his family to Lowell, Massahusetts.  John and Jeanette had three children;
1. Dorothy Ann (Dottie)
2. John Wesley, Jr.  
3. Samuel (Sammy) d: January 2004
Dottie married Daivid Weinfield
children of Dottie and David are:
     1. Laura Weinfield
        child of Laura is:
          1. James Wright
     2. Nicole Weinfield
         Nicole married Norris Townsend III 
         child of Nicole and Norris is:
             1. Lamar Townsend
Jeanette met her untimely death January 18,1965.
John Wesley later married Carrie Richardson, October ,1967.  After retiring, John and Carrie moved to Eightmile, Alabama.  Carrie passed away on August 4, 1994.

John Wesley Smallwood


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