Eugene Smallwood

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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Eugene(Gene) Smallwood 

Eugene the third child of James and Emma was born October 27, 1923.  After graduating from high school, Eugene moved to Miami, Fl  were he met and married Ossie Mae Wyche on May 8, 1949.  To this union one child was born, Peggy.  Eugene know as Gene worked as a laborer in the roofing industry,  He met an untimely death on November 5, 1955 when he was shot an killed.
Peggy Smallwood married James Norris
children of Peggy and James Norris
1.  Ashunda Norris
2.  Jhwanda Norris
3.  Eric Norris (twin)
     child of Eric Norris is:
        1. Myrah Norris
4. Erica Norris (twin)
5. James Norris

Gene Smallwood

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