McClain Family History

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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Janie Smallwood Family History Continued....

Janie Smallwood was married twice, her first husband was Dan McClain.  Janie and Dan had four Children; Eva, Bulah, Ira and Dan.
Information obtained about the McClains was obtained through research of the Census Bureau and Jannie James, grand daughter of Janie and Dan McClain.
1. Ira McClain married Lessie Mae
    children of Ira and Lessie Mae McClain are
      1. Jacob McClain
      2. Benny McClain
2. William McClain married Leona Mulkey
    children of William and Leona McClain are:
    1. Jannie McClain
        Jannie McClain married Rueben George Gibbs
        children of Jannie and Rueben George Gibbs are:
          1. Ruben George Gibbs, Jr
          2. Betty Gibbs
          3. Ralph Gibbs
          4. Frank Gibbs
          5. Kenneth Gibbs
          6. Albert Gibbs
2. William McClain, Jr
    William married Irene Pollard
     child of WIlliam ans Irene McClain is
          1. Dorothy McClian
3.  Johnny McClain
     Johnny McClain married Josephine
     children of Johnny and Josephine McClain are:
          1. Johnny McClain, Jr
          2. Patricia McClain
4. Nellie McClain
    Nellie McCLian married Jessie Clark
    children of Nellie and Jessie Clark are:
         1.  Alvin Clark
         2. Priscilla Clark
         3. Janet Clark
         4. Zina Clark
5. Bertha McClain
    Bertha McClain married John Jones
    children of Bertha and John Jones are;
          1. Loretta Jones
          2. John Jones, Jr
          3. Marven Jones
          4. Carl Jones
          5. Herman Jones
          6. Alexander Jones
          7. Douglas Jones
6.  Annie Ruth McClain
    Annie Ruth McClian married John Turner
    children of Annie Ruth and John Turner are:
        1. Lois Turner
        2. John Turner, Jr
        3. Lamar Turner
        4. Oretha Turner
        5. William Turner
        6. Cynthia Turner
        7. Ronnie Turner
7. Charlie McClain
    Charlie McClian married Christine
8. Catherine McClain
   Catherine McClain married James Mosley
   children of Catherine and James Mosley are:
         1. Kimberly Mosley
         2. Kelly Mosley
         3. Denise Mosley
         4. Travis Mosley
9. Herbert McClain

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