Frank Lester Smallwood

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Frank Smallwood

Frank Lester Smallwood born March 7, 1946 graduated from Washington Street High.  After graduating hingh school Frank enlisted in to the U.S. Army where he served in Germany with a rank of Specialist E4.  After his tour of duty was up he returned home and attended Valdosta Tech trade school specializing in auto mechanic.  Frank realizing that was not his calling, became a Carpenter by trade.  He met and Married Babara Hewitt.  Frank and Barbara have two (2) children.
Children of Frank and Barbara Smallwood are:
1. Jamison Smallwood
2. Brian Smallwood
    Brian Smallwood married Precious
    children of Brian and Precious Smallwood are:
       1. Khali Smallwood
       2. Kyree Smallwood

Frank and Barbara Smallwood

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