Janie Smallwood Lane

James & Emma Smallwood Family History

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What's in a name...
Janie born February 16,1927 is the first born daughter of James and Emma.  It is assumed that she was given the name Janie, to honor the mother's of James and Emma.  Their mother's name was Janie.
Janie married Prince Lane and to this union five children were born; Princess, Rudolph, Sharon and twins, Maggie and Peggie.
Princess Lane married John Dykes, Jr
Children of Princess and John are:
1. John Dykes,III
2. Le'Gregory Dykes married Peggy Freeman
        children of Le'Gregory and Peggy are
         LeGregory Dykes, Jr
3. Du'ante Dykes married Amy
        children Du'ante and Amy are
                Duntaneshia Dykes

   4. Prince Dykes

Rudolph Lane - d: July 25, 1996
Sharon Lane married Curtis Sutton
Children of Sharon and Curtis are:
1. Curtis Sutton, Jr married Tosha Fulton
    children of Curtis and Tosha are
         1. Curtis Sutton III
         2. Justin Sutton
         3.Eryn Sutton
2. Nikki Sutton married Stephen Patrick Roberts
    children of Nikki and Stepehn are:
        1. valerie Roberts
3.  Shawn Sutton married Yara Mathis
Peggie Lane married Joseph Smith
children of Peggie and Joseph are:
        1. Sheldon Smith
        2. Stephanie Smith
Maggie Lane married Fred Roan
children of Maggie and Fred are:
        1. Jennifer Roan
        2. Kristy Roan married Tedrick McIntosh
            children of Kristy and Tedrick are
            1. Tamarion McIntosh
        3. Mary Roan
           child of Mary Roan
           1. Caleb Green

Janie Lane and Daughter Sharon

Click here to learn more about James and Emma's children